Soul Jah Love Teams Up With Ghanaian Artist Jakhal Beeley In Fire Collab 'Dem Dead'

Without doubt, Saul Musaka, whom we all know as Soul Jah Love, is one of the most hard-working artists not only within the confines of ZimDancehall, but in the whole of Zimbabwe. If one is to look at his work without commenting his laudable work ethic, that would be a gross injustice. 

Download Soul Jah Love ft Jakhal Beeley Dem Dead
Soul Jah Love

Soul Jah Love leads a vocals offensive in the song - an offensive laden with lyrics that leave you appreciating Soul Jah Love's unquestionable talent. With a catchy hook that is wonderfully melodious, Dem Dead will also leave you appreciating Jakhal's efforts in the song. Soul Jah Love's verse comes with some usual motifs - the marijuana, the indisputable position as the king of dancehall, the lyrical strength, the rhymes - and these are delivered with the command of a champion. 

Jakhal rides on the waves of Sauro, establishing his lyrical ability in a dancehall setup. The way he does the hook is a blessing to the ears. It is a song executed in a masterly way. "Don't diss Jakhal and Soul Jah Love...Zimbabwe and Ghana wi deh yah suh..."

Download Soul Jah Love ft jakhal dem dead zimdancehall latest

It is a collaboration that looks good for Zimdancehall, and for Zimbabwean music at large. One can never doubt the ability of Soul Jah Love to deliver, even though many may still want to pile dirt on his name and associate him with incurable drug consumption. His efforts in the latest Zimdancehall songs is an attestation of a man who is largely misunderstood but still makes sure that his music is deeply profound.