Cloudy weather to persist across Zimbabwe, MSD predicts


Zimbabwe's Meteorological Services Department (MSD) and Department of Civil Protection (DCP) warned of more thundershowers across most parts of the country this week, as cloudy weather persisted on Monday.

The MSD said in its latest weather report and forecast dated 23 October that rainfall was widespread in the eastern and central regions, with Masvingo, Zvishavane, and Mhondoro recording the highest amounts. 

Bulawayo, the country's second-largest city, also received some showers.

Some areas in the south, such as Matabeleland South, Bulawayo Metropolitan, Masvingo, and Manicaland provinces, experienced cloudy, windy, and cold conditions due to a high-pressure system.

The MSD and DCP advised the public to exercise caution on the roads and during thunderstorms, which may bring strong winds, lightning, reduced visibility, and flash floods. They also urged people to protect themselves from mosquitoes, which breed during the rainy season.

On Tuesday, Mashonaland provinces, Harare metropolitan, and Manicaland are expected to have cloudy conditions with occasional thundershowers, while the rest of the country will be partly cloudy and cool in the morning, becoming warmer later in the day.

On Wednesday, cloudiness will decrease across the country, resulting in mostly sunny conditions. However, isolated thunderstorms may occur in Matabeleland North, northern parts of Midlands, Mashonaland provinces, Harare metropolitan, and Manicaland provinces.

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