Shaken CCC vows to contest all elections in Zimbabwe, whether they are done “underwater or on the ground”


HARARE – Zimbabwe’s largest party the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has vowed to contest in elections regardless of any circumstances in their way as the party believes that participating in elections is the only avenue to challenge and defeat the ruling party ZANU-PF -- with the party expressing certainty in its capability to dismantle ZANU-PF through elections.

CCC says it will contest in all elections in Zimbabwe
CCC believes elections are the only way to challenge ZANU-PF

Following a devastating wave of recalls instigated by the self-proclaimed interim secretary-general Sengenzo Tshabangu, President Mnangagwa proclaimed by-elections set for December.

An air of apprehension and confusion has palpably seized CCC as it has come under harsh criticism for its lack of lucid party structures and a constitution; what has been infamously referred to as “strategic ambiguity”.

In the eyes of many, the current mayhem that has gripped the party in epic proportions can only be attributed to such clandestine leadership ways.

And as the drama unfolds, CCC maintains that everything is to be blamed on the ruling party, refuting any allegations of glaring structural flaws in the party’s leadership—and that regardless of ZANU-PF’s [shrewdly] brute ways, it will contest in the elections nonetheless.

CCC’s deputy spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba stated that the party will remain unrelenting in using elections as its non-violent path to remove the ruling party from power, and that elections stand as the only “vehicle” to change governments.

“Our method of struggle as CCC is we use elections to change governments. We are a non violent democratic party which believes that elections are the vehicle to change governments. 

“We are going to contest all elections in this country whether they are done underwater or whether they are done on the ground. We are a democratic party that believes elections as a vehicle to change the lives of ordinary people and change governments,” Siziba said.

Siziba said that the party is suffering reprisals for frustrating the ruling party’s wishes for a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

“We went into the [August 23 and 24] election, we made sure without doubt that we frustrate ZANU-PF’s attempts for a thwo-thirds majority and that is why we are being punished. We have avoided the temptation of breeding instability in the country because we are a responsible leadership.”

Siziba dismissed claims of any possibilities to create a new opposition party, saying that those who are desirous of handing advice should talk to the oppressed masses of people. 

He stressed that the movement is in the ownership and stewardship of the oppressed, and as such any discussion should be inclusive of the people who own the movement.

“Any strategic move that the party takes announces to its people. So people can hold their views on what they think. You will agree that this issue has generated conversations in our country and everyone is interested in it,” he said.

The parliamentary seats to be filled through the December by-elections emanate from the ongoing recalls by Sengezo Tshabangu.

CCC’s leader Nelson Chamisa and senior officials assert that Tshabangu is an impostor since the party does not have the position of secretary-general. However, CCC has failed to furnish any evidence to justify its claim.

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