Parliament to institute major staff restructuring exercise, and AI adoption for 2024


HARARE - The Parliament of Zimbabwe has announced a comprehensive restructuring plan for its staff, which includes the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in order to enhance employee welfare. 

Parliament of Zimbabwe staff restructuring exercise
Image: Parliament of Zimbabwe

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) yesterday, Parliament said the plans were revealed by Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda on Friday during a ceremony honouring Parliament’s long-serving employees. 

"As Speaker, in collaboration with fellow presiding officers, we aim to implement reforms guided by the Patterson System. This involves proper job evaluation, specification, and description, which will then determine the remuneration scales. The current structure is disadvantaging the majority of you," Mudenda said.

The Patterson System, which grades jobs based on the level and complexity of decisions, will be used to evaluate roles. The decision bands range from A to F, with F being the highest.

Mudenda also highlighted the planned restructuring of Parliament’s ICT department to incorporate AI. 

“Our ICT department will have to move a scale up and embrace AI. We are now in the era of the industrial revolution anchored on information and communication technology guided by AI. This means that every department will have to be ICT compliant and AI compliant,” he explained.

He further elaborated on the benefits of AI, stating, “The beauty of AI is that you don’t have to rely on research, you just touch the screen and it will give you all the data that you require. 

“The biggest challenge will be how to synthesise the data which is relevant to what you are looking for, so every department will be enjoying the fruits of ICT and AI.”

As part of the restructuring, some Parliament staff will be sent to the Zayed University of AI in Dubai for further training. 

Additionally, starting from 2024, Parliament plans to introduce an education fund to facilitate those who wish to further their education.

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