Job Sikhala abandons ‘carcass’ CCC party, calls for Nationwide Democratic Consultative Process


HARARE – Zimbabwean opposition politician and former Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala, who was jailed for nearly two years, has seemingly left the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party, describing it as a “carcass” hijacked by the ruling party. 

Job Sikhala quits CCC
Job Sikhala has seemingly left the CCC party. 

Sikhala made the insinuation that those who have decided to remain in the fragmented CCC opposition outfit should do so, as it is their democratic right, but stated that he will no longer be part of them. 

He made the remarks during a press conference delivered in Harare on Thursday at SAPES Trust. 

“The mass democratic struggle is people driven and owned. Every struggle waged throughout the world has succeeded when people own it. The masses must own the next decisive stage of our struggle,” Sikhala said.

“Whether I will be there with you or not, as my enemies have not shelved their plan to assassinate me for the sins best known to themselves, this process must proceed uninhibited to finality.”

He added: “With or without resources, the people shall carry out this most important task in the decisive phase of our history and our people’s struggle against tyranny for their freedom, dignity and prosperity. To all those who have returned their democratic right to cling to the CCC carcass, I wish them all the best in their project.”

Sikhala made the call for what he termed a Mass Nationwide Democratic Consultative Process as the way forward to resolve Zimbabwe's myriad sociopolitical and economic ills. 

“The national consultative process will convene Nationwide Democratic Consultative Conventions. The Consultative process will involve all important constituent bodies, that is, the general masses of our people, labor, students, traditional leaders, churches, civic society, businesspersons, professionals, residents’ associations, informal traders, women clubs, farmers, peasants, youth organizations, progressive political organizations, war veterans, war collaborators, artists, corporate business sector, and people living with disabilities,” he said. 

“It will start from the village, to the ward, district and the provincial level. This process will be conducted by the representatives of different constituent bodies at every level. The process will eventually lead to the convening of the National People’s Democratic Convention.”

Sikhala’s announcement comes nearly two weeks after the party’s founding leader Nelson Chamisa quit CCC saying it had been hijacked by ZANU PF.

Sikhala was freed from jail recently after spending 595 days in pre-trial detention on allegations of inciting public violence.

On Wednesday, Sikhala was convicted of publishing falsehoods prejudicial to the state by Harare Magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka. The court will deliver its sentence on 16 February.

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