THE POET’S HAVEN – ‘Poverty’ by Tinashe Lovemore Mavura

WELCOME to another instalment of The Poet's Haven, and today we have Tinashe Lovemore Mavura. 

The Poets Haven Zimbabwe poetry Zimsphere

Born and raised in Norton, Tinashe Lovemore Mavura is aged 23 and is studying to be an aspiring Packaging Machine Minder. 

But more interestingly, Nashe, his poetic name, is passionate about poetry, expressing his thoughts and experiences about societal issues like poverty, early child marriages, substance abuse among other contemporary issues that needs to be addressed.

Below, we get his ruminations on the crushing reality called "being poor". 


Tears streaming down his boney cheeks.

Heavy labored breathing,

he forever seeks.

Dusty air resides in his mouth,

Freedom and love is all he speaks.

Wherever he goes, leaves a word or two,

All he gets is curses and mouth clicks.

Carries around his bags of bones and rags,


To keep him warm in the streets

And bones to lure stray dogs,

His companions in scavenging for survival.

Day by day he walks up and down 

No purpose in life 

Along with his valueless stuff 

He lives to starve.

His stomach sings in chorus songs 

To quench his forever wondering thoughts,

Thoughts that haunt him and bring so much pain,

Pain that has a perfect home,

Home in his forever suffering body,

Body that does not know any clothing,

Clothing a myth to him,

For he wears tattered clothes, 

Hanging on a thread is his immunity. 

He has lost all hope of ever restoring his dignity.

He lives to serve under the cruelty of poverty and all it's impurities.

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