Government to avail funding for Norton Vocational Training Centre in 2025 National Budget


HARARE – Government will release funding for the construction of Norton Vocational Training Centre in the forthcoming 2025 budget, as it was not one of those prioritised in the 2024 budget.

Richard Tsvangirai 

This was said in Parliament on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by the Deputy Minister of Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training, Kudakwashe Mupamhanga.

He was responding to an enquiry by Norton Constituency Member of Parliament Richard Tsvangirai, who wanted an update on the status of the centre. 

Mupamhanga told the House of Assembly session that out of the 45 full centres and 10 satellite centres established countrywide, Sivomo, Umguza, Kadoma, Insukamini and Mt. Hampden had been catered for in the 2024 budget.

“On the part of Norton Vocational Training Centre, it is quite unfortunate that no funds were allocated from Treasury under the Public Sector Investment Projects (PSIP) and engagements have been prioritised between my ministry and Treasury to ensure that such projects will be prioritised as part of the 2025 budget period”, said Hon Mupamhanga.

The deputy minister counselled that in addition other avenues of funding Norton VTC and such other centres be explored at a local level.

“Whilst funding challenges have been realised, it is prudent that within respective provinces and districts, VTC’s such as Norton among others be considered for support under other programmes such as devolution funds, constituency development funds as well as engaging other stakeholders within the public and private sectors, including development partners as this support is critical for national development”.

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