Zimbabweans urged to expend energy on productivity and innovation, not drugs and substances


NTABAZINDUNA (New Ziana) – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged Zimbabweans to shun drugs and other substances and instead direct their energies towards production, productivity and innovation across all sectors for the country to develop and prosper.

Drug abuse in Zimbabwe
Image: Global Press Journal

He made the call on Friday while officiating at the 153rd Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services officers’ pass-out parade at Ndabazinduna Training deport, about 38 kilometers from Bulawayo, the second largest city.

A total of 752 officers including 534 males and 218 females underwent a six-month training that covered areas such as basic computers, weapon handling, human rights, constitutionalism, Correctional management, civic education, foot and arms drills to mention a few.

“Meanwhile it is unfortunate that Zimbabwe like many other countries is grappling with the global menace of drug and substance abuse. I once again call on our people young and old alike to reject drugs and substance abuse. Our national energies should be channeled towards production, productivity and innovation across sectors for the development and prosperity of our beloved motherland Zimbabwe,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said the incorporation of drugs and substance abuse-related issues into the curriculum of correctional officers courses reinforces government efforts to tackle the menace,” he said.

He exhorted members of the security service and public service, in general, to lead by example by adhering to norms and values that govern their day-to-day operations, warning that corrupt tendencies will not be tolerated under his administration.

“Under the Second Republic, all members of the security service architecture and public service in general are expected to be exemplary in whatever they do. As trained and disciplined officers you should adhere to the norms and values that govern your day-to-day operations. Those with corrupt tendencies have no place in our services and government,” he said.

President Mnangagwa commended the ZPCS for playing a crucial role in promoting peace and security both within the borders and beyond through their participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Missions.

“I am proud to note that ZCPS correctional officers have distinguished themselves on the international stage through their participation in United Nations peacekeeping missions.

“Their professionalism, their discipline and dedication to duty have earned them the respect and admiration of the international community and I commend them for their service to humanity and indeed to Zimbabwe,” he said.

He said ZPCS innovation initiatives to commercialise rehabilitation activities and harness the potential of correctional facilities to generate income, create employment and contribute to economic growth demonstrate commitment to entrepreneurship and sustainable development,” he said.

President challenged the ZPCS to fully utilise its farms and assist in increasing national irrigation capacity as the country ups efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“The correctional service should also scale up programs to attain food security for the population in correctional facilities. You must be able to feed yourselves and have a surplus to contribute to our national strategic grain reserves.

“I urge commanders to continue expanding projects at this training school. Venturing into these projects is instrumental in providing food to the recruits, generating income and transferring skills vital for personal and organisational growth,” he said.

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