Jameson Timba and 75 CCC activists to spend weekend in custody, bail ruling set for Tuesday


HARARE – Magistrate Ruth Moyo has set the date for bail ruling in the case of Jameson Timba and 78 other Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) for Tuesday. This means that Jameson Timba, a faction leader in the beleaguered CCC, alongside 75 other suspects, will spend the weekend behind bars. 

Jameson Timba arrested with 78 other CCC activists, bail ruling for Tuesday

Ex-senator Jameson Timba’s son and Accused 51, Ndapuwa Shaun, is the only suspect who has been granted US$100 bail.

He was arrested at the CCC faction leader’s Avondale home with 78 others accused of participating in an unsanctioned gathering that was meant for commemorating the Day of the African Child. His lawyers said he had gone there to deliver a Father’s Day gift. 

One of the accused who is a minor was remanded into the custody of his guardian while another who showed signs of being mentally challenged will be medically examined as per section 26 of the Mental Health Act. 

The state had earlier highlighted its intention to call more witnesses, but today abandoned this intention. Yesterday, Investigation Officer (IO) Panganai Gwati left the witness stand to attend to his pregnant wife. 

He had already testified, although prosecution, represented by Thomas Chanakira, had felt his testimony was not as satisfactory. 

In his testimony, Gwati admitted that there was no evidence that the accused persons threw stones at armed riot police officers, and conceded that there was no evidence that the accused persons personally know the witnesses that the state intends to call for trial.

Defence lawyers had argued the suspects did not commit a grave offence that warrants the denial of bail.

The suspects are being charged with participating in a gathering with the intent to promote violence, breaches of peace or bigotry and disorderly conduct. The allegations stem from a gathering held at Jameson Timba's residence in Harare. 

Jameson Timba arrested

According to the state, the gathering was for an unlawful demonstration. It is alleged the accused persons became riotous, engaging in throwing stones at police officers who had come to investigate the residence. The police officers had to call for reinforcements. 

The accused persons were only arrested after the police resorted to teargas. Two police officers were injured, the police vehicle incurred some damage, according to the state. All the suspects deny any wrongdoing in the fracas. 

Speaking to reporters yesterday lawyer Webster Jiti said Magistrate Ruth Moyo agreed that five of the seriously injured suspects, who need X-rays, be granted access to medical treatment at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. 

He said that one of the suspects with a fractured leg has been admitted at the hospital. 

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