95 Libyan nationals arrested at suspected secret military training camp in South Africa


SOUTH African police have uncovered a suspected military training base in Mpumalanga province, leading to the arrest and questioning of 95 Libyan nationals.

95 Libyan nationals arrested in South Africa after police uncover secret military training camp
Image: eNCA 

During a raid on Friday, authorities detained the foreign nationals at the illegal training camp in White River. 

The operation was conducted by members of the police, in collaboration with the Provincial Joint Structures (ProvJOINTS) and the Department of Home Affairs.

Colonel Donald Mdhluli, provincial police spokesperson, confirmed that the Police Commissioner, Major General Zeph Mkhwanazi, convened with ProvJOINTS on Wednesday, July 24, after receiving intelligence regarding the suspected camp. 

“This led to a joint operation being carried out today, Friday, July 26, 2024, resulting in the raid and subsequent arrest,” he said.

“The place, which was initially designated as a training site, appears to have been converted into an illegal military training base. The 95 individuals taken into custody are all Libyan nationals and are currently being questioned by the relevant authorities,” Mdhluli stated.

The Libyan nationals allegedly entered South Africa on visas claiming they were to train as security guards. 

However, the discovery of the camp suggests otherwise. 

According to eNCA, Home Affairs officials are presently at the site to determine if any other criminal activities were conducted there.

Major General Mkhwanazi, Acting Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, emphasized the gravity of the situation: “We take any threat to the security and stability of our province and country very seriously.”

He added, “This operation demonstrates our commitment to acting swiftly and decisively against any activities that could undermine our national interests and ensure the safety of our citizens because that is our primary mandate.”

Investigations are ongoing, and further details will be provided in due course. 

This incident comes as public sentiment in South Africa has increasingly turned against foreign nationals, with many citizens feeling that immigration poses a threat to the nation's development.

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