Harare lawyer faces court over alleged fraud in truck ownership case


HARARE – Tawanda Takaindisa, a 38-year-old lawyer, appeared before the Harare Magistrates’ Court on charges of defeating the course of justice and, alternatively, fraud.

According to the State, Takaindisa allegedly forged the registration book of a Howo truck owned by his client, Gumtree Mining Company. 

He is accused of scanning the original registration book and altering the owner's name from Gumtree Mining to Ali Lifa.

The State claims that Takaindisa drafted a false lease agreement between Gumtree Mining Company and Ali Lifa, backdating it to August 5, 2022. The agreement purported that Ali Lifa had leased the truck to Gumtree Mining Company on that date. 

Moreover, Takaindisa allegedly wrote an affidavit in respect of Ali Lifa and signed it on Lifa's behalf. 

He had the affidavit commissioned in Lifa's absence and submitted the false documents to the Harare High Court for judicial proceedings. 

The case was finalized at the High Court in favor of Takaindisa and his client through a default judgment.

Investigations revealed that the truck indeed belonged to Gumtree Mining Company, and there had been no change of ownership. The State alleges that Takaindisa committed the offense to prevent the Sheriff from seizing the vehicle. 

The truck was due to be seized following a successful lawsuit by former employees of Gumtree Mining Company, who had been unfairly dismissed.

Takaindisa has been remanded to August 3, 2024, and is currently out on bail.

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