Zimbabwean film producer calls for industry sponsorship


South African-based Zimbabwean film producer and writer Obey Zisengwe advocates for the formation of an organization to sponsor talented actors and actresses in Zimbabwe's filming industry.

Zisengwe, founder of King Jay Multimedia, which produces films in South Africa, emphasized to ZimSphere the challenges beginners face in the filming industry, highlighting the crucial need for sponsorship to nurture and grow talent in Zimbabwe.

"The filming industry in Zimbabwe must form organizations to sponsor talent in the filming industry so as to groom underground actors to create a diverse filming industry," Zisengwe stated. 

"The industry is always difficult, especially if you are like us at King Jay Media Company. Most of the times we struggle because we have insufficient equipment and there is no sponsorship to fund some costs. Therefore, we struggle so much to create something unique due to lack of equipment."

He outlined King Jay Media’s primary objective: to produce better quality videos in the filming industry and for music videos. 

"Our main objective at King Jay Multimedia is to create better quality videos in the filming industry and music videos. We have collaborated with my brother Tinotenda Zisengwe, now the manager of King Jay Multimedia, Boss Grenade, who is the movie coordinator, Elijah Kazomenwa, who just joined the industry, and myself to expand our filming industry to create international and local movies."

Zisengwe shared that their recent releases include action movies "The Money Team" and "The Alienated," shot in Donboshava. Their local productions include "Tsvimbo yaMoses" and "Death or Glory Part 1." Fans are eagerly anticipating "Death or Glory Part 2," currently in production.

He stressed the societal impact of their dramas. 

"I believe the drama has a big impact on society because it teaches about how bad it is to make fast decisions to get fast money, and the consequences or after-effects of that, which is death or glory, meaning you are gone or you make other people die or you confess. Society is learning through watching this, and I am sure they are loving it so they should watch out for part 2."

Zisengwe concluded by stating that King Jay Multimedia is still seeking sponsorship and energetic actors from both Zimbabwe and South Africa.

"King Jay Multimedia is still looking for sponsorship and energetic actors both in Zimbabwe and South Africa," he said.

Watch his movie Death or Glory via the link below:

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