Nelson Chamisa trusts divine intervention over SADC for Zimbabwe’s future


HARARE – Nelson Chamisa, the prominent opposition leader in Zimbabwe, continues to advocate that divine intervention, rather than regional political bodies, will rescue the nation from its current hardships.

Nelson Chamisa, who was forced to quit from the party he founded, Citizens Coalition for Change, due to interminable internecine struggles.

Chamisa, whose substantial social media presence often mirrors that of a fervent preacher, frequently invokes spiritual themes as his political tool in his posts.

On August 10, he shared a message on platform X, quoting biblical scripture to drive home his belief in God's ultimate plan for Zimbabwe: "JESUS CHRIST ANSWERS ALL… Jesus Christ is the Messiah and saves all. He will be revealed for all to see, know and testify! Blessed Sabbath #Godisinit."

In a recent interview with NewsDay, Chamisa reaffirmed his religious stance, urging Zimbabweans to look beyond the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for solutions. 

"SADC is not the ultimate answer to the problems we are facing. God is. His eye is upon Zimbabwe and his hand will move swiftly on this beloved land," he declared.

He likened SADC to a referee in a game where players must continue, even if officiating is absent. 

"SADC is a platform. But SADC is not the ultimate or the whole answer. We are the answers ourselves," he asserted.

Chamisa also highlighted the economic disparities plaguing Zimbabwe, lamenting the divide between the affluent elite and the struggling majority. 

"People do not have a decent life. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Prices are high and life is hard in Zimbabwe," he remarked. 

"We have two countries in one. One for the few who are living very well and a high life, but it is a dishonest life. And the majority, who have nothing."

Zimbabwe is set to host the 44th SADC Summit in Harare from the 17th to 19th of August. 

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