Seven Harare robbers sentenced to 12 years in prison


HARARE – Seven men were sentenced to 12 years in prison each by the Harare Magistrates' Court for their involvement in a violent robbery last year.

The convicted robbers, identified as Paul Makamelo, Kelvin Zimomo, Sign Makamelo, Partially Makamelo, Tonderai Norest Chibvongodze, Christopher Sithole, and Innocent Kasu, faced charges stemming from a home invasion on November 29, 2022.

According to court documents, the incident took place at around 7 PM when the group, armed with knives and iron bars, forcibly entered the bedroom of James Abrahams, 89, and his wife. 

The intruders demanded money and began ransacking the room. When Abrahams informed them that he had no money, one of the assailants kicked him and ordered him to sit down.

The robbers then tied the elderly couple with a nylon cable and directed them to sit on the floor. 

While some of the perpetrators picked up a safe from the floor and placed it on a chair, others continued to assault Abrahams and his wife.

After untying Abrahams' wife, they forced her to retrieve the keys to the safe from a cupboard. Despite obtaining the keys, the robbers failed to open the safe and decided to take it with them. 

The safe contained $55,000 in cash, gold, and other valuables. Before leaving, the assailants locked the couple in their bedroom.

A subsequent police report and investigation led to the arrest of the seven men. Authorities recovered $6,000 of the estimated $62,415 stolen during the robbery.

The court handed down 12-year prison sentences to each of the accused.

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