Sierra Leone hands down long sentences to 24 soldiers in failed coup; one receives 120-year term


FREETOWN, Sierra Leone – Twenty-four soldiers in Sierra Leone have been sentenced to extended prison terms, with one receiving a staggering 120-year sentence, following their conviction for participating in a botched coup attempt last year.

Freetown, Sierra Leone, November 26, 2023. [Image: Reuters/Umaru Fofana]

A seven-member jury delivered the verdict late Friday after an extensive eight-month trial concerning the November coup attempt against President Julius Maada Bio.

During the coup, gunmen breached the capital's armory and a prison, liberating over 2,000 inmates. The violent clashes resulted in the deaths of 18 security personnel. 

Authorities subsequently arrested around 80 suspects, charging a dozen in January, including former President Ernest Bai Koroma, who was later granted medical leave.

The soldiers, sentenced on Friday, faced various charges across 88 counts, including murder, mutiny, and willful damage to public or military property. The most severe sentence was given to Lt. Col. Charles James Mishek Yamba, who received 120 years.

Judge Advocate Mark Ngegba, a former military officer, emphasised, "when we reach this conclusion for sentences it is to send a message of zero tolerance for such an act in the military."

This verdict follows the sentencing of 11 civilians two weeks prior, including Amadu Koita Makalo, the alleged leader of the attack, who received a 182-year sentence. 

Makalo, a former bodyguard of ex-President Koroma, was also charged but later granted medical leave.

(with news agencies)

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