SPONSORED: Madzibaba Norest offers solutions to a range of spiritual problems


HARARE — We all face a multitude of problems in their daily lives - from theft, robbery and even their lovers cheating on them. These problems may seem like everyday occurrences at the surface, but there might be deeper spiritual issues at play. 

This is where Harare-based Madzibaba Norest Hlola comes in, offering a solution that is at the intersection of tradition and spirituality. 

With almost two decades’ experience in spiritual work, Madzibaba Norest says he is willing to deliver anyone from around the world from their spiritual problems. 

"I am willing to help everyone with different problems and situations in their lives it doesn't where you are or where you come from because l help from different countries. I started my journey as a prophet in 2005 and l received this calling when l was still in Grade 3 that is when the Holy Spirit started to manifest in me," he said. 

"l’ve helped to recover their stolen properties and retain marriages. I also do ‘back to sender’ for people who are being bewitched." 

Quizzed on which religious belief he subscribes to, Madzibaba Norest answered; "People may wonder whether l believe in African Traditional Religion or Christianity, and my answer is both. I believe in my ancestors, and God who is worshipped by fellow Christians. When l pray for people, I use both African traditional ways and Apostolic ways as both my ancestors and God give me the power to help people and fight demons." 

To close off, Madzibaba Norest urged people to work hard for their needs and wants, and also advised couples in marriages to respect, understand and trust each other to avoid conflict. 

"I urge people in different communities to look for jobs no matter how hard it is l know and work with their hands for needs and wants stealing is not a solution because you will be also hurting others," he concluded. 

Madzibaba Norest is located in Harare in the suburb of Southlea Park (Magetsi section). Those who may need his services must know that there is a small fee to pay for consultation and assistance. He can be reached on the following contacts:

+263781136143 / +27764616119

* This is a sponsored post. The views and opinions expressed in this post do not reflect the views or beliefs of The Zimbabwe Sphere as a media entity. 

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