Voltz JT to release N.O.P Makoni album – A few thoughts from the listening session


HARARE – To begin with, a Voltz JT song is something one may instinctively approach lightly – because he is a young Zimbabwean hip-hop artist – yet, just a few lines in, one could express awe at the mind-blowing depth of his lyricism. Things turn so deep and quickly and you find yourself on a transformational journey in thought, relatability and reflection.

Voltz JT NOP Makoni album listening session
Diana Precious Nheera (right) with Voltz JT (centre) at the album listening session. On the left is Diana's 10-year-old daughter Summer. [Image: Supplied]

His heartfelt, sturdy storytelling has that effect and knocks you out every single time! That is what has become his superpower – thought provoking lyrics delivered in his mother tongue, calm rhythms and mellifluous melodies. 

My personal favourite highlight of his music is whenever, alongside Nyasha Timbe (his producer), he goes for sounds rich with Zimbabwean originality. For example, on Makuruwani – anyway, enough said. On to the album listening session. 

When I got invited to the album listening session for his N.O.P Makoni album by Rain Jasmine Midzi (big honour by the way), I wasn’t spared from my regular approach to it as a ‘fun hip-hop heads gathering moment’. But the most fundamental aspect is I was super excited to hear what he had in store for us this time around. 

We got there early on just as everyone else was driving in. We walked to a really cool set-up made for up to around a hundred people, in a spacious gym hall. The multiple iconic images of Voltz JT and a cool backdrop with the album name on it did not escape my notice in the dimly lit big room. 

Soon, the order of the evening started with the articulate MC Paul welcoming us in; the place was full already, and his apologies for the lack of electricity (those area outages, sigh) was dismissed by an enthusiastic fan as just the right ambiance this session had embraced us with. 

Opening remarks and prayer were given by Rain and the Man himself was called to the front and boom; that stark realization for me as regards listening to a JT song came to the fore. A cool, calm and collected Voltz warmly welcomed everyone and expressed his endless gratitude for making it to his big reveal. 

He first took us through some of the framed life size photos of himself; with the most amazing one being of him in primary school, receiving an award on Prize Giving Day and with his granny in frame (I could hear the ululating 😀). He then went into his life journey and why that particular image was pivotal to the night and to the new project at hand.  

N.O.P Makoni – an accurate geographic reference to places in Chitungwiza; Unit N, O and P in Makoni – is a suitable title for Voltz at this conjuncture. This is where his grandma lives, and a cherished part of his life from childhood comes from this place; the album name is a symbolism of this safe place one goes to regroup. Symbolism as well of that commuter bus from town which carries everyone to NOP Makoni coming from work, school, troubled, happy, hungry even, coming from a break up or from a link up alike. 

Such is what the album is all about—Bringing people together! That is my key takeaway from having a preview of the album. From the apt choice of collaborators: Bagga, Tha Bees, Poptain, Celscius (With two features), Atenda Chinx (fresh new voice to look out for 🤩), Nyasha David – from this list, one has to admit, each artist comes in with their own fire and if I am to brag about pre-listening, each song is super-impressive! 

As intended, each fan will find what they love in this project if not love all of it like I am doing. Voltz has this notable touch of an old soul and he even put in an interlude we would get on an R’n’B album back in the 90s or a Chamhembe album. That personal touch definitely pulls at the heartstrings!

I won’t go into the individual presentations of each song we were indulged to, but, my appreciation of the artist grew by a landslide margin as he spoke to us and profoundly answered each of the questions thrown his way during question and answers time. 

Truly, this is a man sent to communicate to our inner thoughts and to challenge us to be to be better in every way possible. 

Most touching was how DJ Tamuka described working with the young man and how he asked each one of us to carry the word of the Voltz JT new album to our own friends and families and spread the word. 

It is not far-fetched for me to state that with this album, Zimbabwe's music industry is in safe hands. 

You are all going to hear for yourself tomorrow on the 27th of August 2024, but fortunately, two songs were already pre-released so you may indulge - Kutidzosera Kumashure and Ma War Vets. 

The event was well attended too, with most of the featured Artists present – Celscius, Poptain, Tha Bees, Atenda Chinx got to share about their songs alongside Voltz JT. Also, in support were the magician DJ Tamuka, ProBeatz, Zero the Producer, Charisma the Songstress and many other key players in the industry and media. 

It was a beautiful evening and here, is to looking forward to the music. We were conscientised to remember it as THE ALBUM OF THE YEAR each time we listen to any song from N.O.P Makoni.

Be sure to stream the album when it is released;

Yours Truly, Diana The Talent Whisperer.

*This piece was written by Diana Precious Nheera in her personal capacity. 

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