Chinese national sentenced to 30 years imprisonment in Zimbabwe for murder


GOKWE — A Chinese national, Cai Yulong, who operates the Stone Steel Blue Mine in Zhombe, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for murder, following a trial at the Midlands High Court Circuit in Gokwe. Cai faced charges of murder, attempted murder, and assault.

On May 26, 2024, workers from Black Hand 10 Mine were constructing a barricade underground at the site where their mine intersects with Cai's. 

Cai approached the group and opened fire, causing them to flee toward the exit. During the pursuit, Cai shot one worker in the thigh, resulting in his death. 

He also shot another worker in the knee and thigh and assaulted a third colleague by striking him on the head.

Following a police investigation, Cai was arrested and subsequently convicted. 

In addition to the 30-year sentence for murder, he received a five-year sentence for attempted murder, to be served concurrently. 

Cai was also fined USD 100 for assault, with a default penalty of one month’s imprisonment if unpaid.

The incident also serves to highlight ongoing tensions and safety concerns in mining operations in the region; particularly at the hands of some foreign investors. 

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