Just 69 firearms surrendered during the 2024 firearms amnesty, as public safety concerns rise


HARARE – In a recently concluded firearms amnesty, only 69 weapons were voluntarily surrendered to the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), marking a marginal response compared to prior initiatives. The 2024 Firearms Amnesty for Voluntary Surrender of Firearms and Ammunition ran from September 1 to September 30, offering individuals a chance to hand over unregistered firearms without facing legal repercussions.

Zimbabwe 2024 firearms amnesty
Image: iStock 

ZRP spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi, expressed gratitude for the public’s cooperation during the amnesty period. 

"The Police extends gratitude to the public for their cooperation during the amnesty period and encourages continued support in the Police’s efforts to fight crime and ensure public safety," Nyathi said. 

Despite the modest number of firearms collected, Commissioner Nyathi emphasized that the police remain committed to addressing the misuse of firearms in Zimbabwe. 

He announced an imminent nationwide operation targeting individuals and businesses that are suspected of possessing illegal firearms and ammunition. 

This operation, according to the ZRP, aims to mitigate public safety risks associated with armed crimes, such as robberies and murders.

Nyathi further urged the public to assist law enforcement by reporting any illegal firearms. 

He provided the following contact details for anonymous tips:

"The Zimbabwe Republic Police implores members of the public to report individuals or companies suspected to be in possession of illegal firearms on National Complaints Desk number (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp on 0712 800 197 or report at any nearest Police Station."

The amnesty was introduced in response to growing concerns over the widespread misuse of unlicenced firearms. The Police highlighted that many of these weapons have been instrumental in a surge of criminal activities, including armed robberies and murders. 

Furthermore, Commissioner Nyathi previously noted that some licenced firearm owners are failing to renew their firearm certificates or inform authorities about changes in their residential or business addresses. 

This lack of compliance hinders the ZRP’s ability to conduct regular checks on legally registered firearms, potentially contributing to the proliferation of illegal arms.

The response to this year’s amnesty pales in comparison to a similar initiative in 2022, when 580 firearms were surrendered after an amnesty granted by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. 

Being in possession of unlicenced firearms runs contrary to the provisions of the Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09]. 

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