"No to political pawns" – Why Linda Masarira is against the 31 March protests


As Zimbabweans, we have suffered enough under the weight of political turmoil, economic collapse, and social injustice. Over the years, we have seen how political elites manipulate the masses for their own power struggles, often with no regard for the lives they put at risk. It is for this reason that I am not supporting the planned protests on 31 March.

LInda masarira says she is not supporting the 31 March protests called for by Blessed Geza
Linda Masarira

A ZANU PF Internal Affair Disguised as a People's Protest

This so-called protest is not about the will of the people or the struggle for justice. It is an internal ZANU PF power contest that has nothing to do with the aspirations of ordinary Zimbabweans. We have seen these factional battles play out before—those in power use the people as stepping stones to secure their own political ambitions, and once their objectives are met, the masses are discarded and left to suffer the consequences.

No Genuine Opposition or Mass Uprising—Just a Succession Battle

Let’s be clear: this is not an organic people's movement. It is a power struggle among ZANU PF elites, who are fighting for control over state resources. This has absolutely nothing to do with any opposition force or pro-democracy movement. 

If it were a true people's struggle, we would see genuine demands for change—better governance, economic reforms, and an end to corruption. Instead, we are witnessing an internal fight for political dominance, masked as a public demonstration.

The Poor and Vulnerable Will Be Used as Cannon Fodder

Time and time again, we have seen how the ruling elite mobilizes the unemployed youth, desperate workers, and struggling citizens to fight battles that do not serve their interests. Those who call for such protests will not be on the frontlines when the police and military crack down. 

It is the poor, the innocent, and the vulnerable who will face the brutality of the state while the masterminds sit in their luxurious homes, watching the chaos unfold.

Your Life Matters—Protect It with All Your Might

We must learn from history. Many Zimbabweans have been arrested, beaten, tortured, and even killed for participating in demonstrations that served the interests of a few powerful individuals. Yet, after the dust settles, the system remains the same, and those who called for action move on with their lives while victims are left to suffer. Your life is valuable. Do not let it be wasted in a political game where you are nothing more than a pawn.

If the Liberation War Promised Land, What Are You Being Promised?

Our forefathers fought for independence with the promise of land, freedom, and sovereignty. What promise is being made to you today? What is the real end goal of this protest? If it is merely to advance the ambitions of a political faction, then it is not worth your sacrifice. 

Zimbabwe needs real change, but that change must be driven by a genuine people's movement, not a manipulated protest serving internal ZANU PF interests.

Conclusion: I Choose Peace, I Choose Zimbabwe

At this moment in history, we must be strategic in our fight for justice. We must reject being used as tools in elite political battles that do not benefit us. Instead, let us channel our energy toward long-term, people-driven solutions that will truly transform our country.

I stand for peace, justice, and the true liberation of Zimbabweans. I refuse to endorse a protest that is not in the people's interest. We must be vigilant and wise in choosing which battles to fight, ensuring that they serve the collective good, not the ambitions of a select few.

#IChoosePeace #ZimbabweansLivesMatter

*Linda Masarira writes here in her personal capacity. 

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