Zimbabwe: A cursed nation or a people in perpetual betrayal?


Zimbabwe is a nation of excitable people, quick to follow the wind without interrogating its destination. We have become a people swayed by populism, emotional appeals, and reactionary politics rather than reasoned, strategic, and principled leadership. The nation is trapped in a vicious cycle of political deception, manipulation, and economic decay.

Zimbabwean politics: A web of lies and deception by both the ruling and opposition parties
President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa 

The tragedy of Zimbabwean politics is that it is not defined by any robust ideology, principle, or national interest. Instead, it is a continuous game of survival for the political elite, whether in the ruling party or the opposition. The two sides of Zimbabwean politics are not different in substance; they are merely different sides of the same coin.

Let me clarify that Labour Economists and Afrikan Democrats (LEAD) does not identify as opposition because we don't merely exist to oppose for the sake of opposing. We identify as an "alternative party" that proffers progressive solutions and policy interventions that can save Zimbabwe as we wait for our turn to take over state power. 

The Opposition and the Politics of Suffering

For decades, the main opposition has thrived on the suffering of Zimbabweans. Instead of building an organic movement grounded in sound policy alternatives and practical solutions, they have resorted to leveraging our economic decline to justify foreign intervention, particularly through sanctions. Under the guise of fighting for democracy, they have strategically entrenched the suffering of ordinary people through both covert and overt operations.

The opposition has mastered the art of manipulating people’s emotions, using poverty and economic hardships as a tool to mobilize support. Yet, when given an opportunity to govern in urban councils or Parliament, they have exhibited the same levels of corruption, incompetence, and lack of vision as the ruling party they claim to oppose.

The Ruling Party and the Politics of Looting

On the other side, the ruling party has spent decades presiding over systemic corruption, looting, and economic collapse. The government has consistently prioritized self-preservation over national progress. The failure to implement meaningful economic reforms, the destruction of key institutions, and the inability to curb corruption have led to the slow but sure destruction of Zimbabwe’s economy.

The ruling party has also used the opposition as a convenient excuse for its failures, pointing to sanctions as the scapegoat for all economic problems. Yet, a deeper look reveals that sanctions have only compounded an already existing problem of misgovernance and economic mismanagement. The biggest sanctions on Zimbabweans have been corruption, poor leadership, and a lack of accountability.

Selective Application of the Constitution

A critical element of Zimbabwe’s political crisis is the blatant disregard for the Constitution by all players in the political arena. The ruling party selectively applies the Constitution to entrench its power, while the opposition cherry-picks constitutional provisions to justify its actions. It has become the norm that any group seeking power in Zimbabwe first accuses the incumbent of constitutional violations while also committing its own violations in the process.

The rule of law is no longer a guiding principle but a tool of convenience. Justice is only pursued when it serves a political agenda, and violations are ignored when they benefit those in power, whether in the ruling party or the opposition. This hypocrisy has eroded the people’s trust in both state institutions and opposition movements.

Where Are We Going as a Nation?

Zimbabweans must take a moment to reflect. Are we desperate to the point that we blindly follow anything that appears attractive? Have we learnt nothing from our past mistakes?

Once bitten, twice shy. There is no real benefit for ordinary Zimbabweans in engaging in reactionary protests like the so-called M31 protests. These demonstrations have historically yielded no tangible change, only serving as a platform for politicians to advance their own interests at the expense of the people.

A Call for Generational Convergence

The way forward is not another protest that will be manipulated by political elites, nor is it another election where the same recycled politicians make empty promises. Zimbabwe needs a generational convergence of ordinary citizens, not politicians, to engage in national dialogue and create a shared vision for the future.

We need to move away from politics of emotion and blind loyalty. The real struggle is not between ZANU-PF and the opposition; it is between ordinary Zimbabweans and a corrupt, self-serving political elite. Our salvation lies in a new, people-driven movement focused on rebuilding Zimbabwe based on principles of justice, accountability, and economic empowerment.

It is time for Zimbabweans to wake up and take charge of their destiny. Our future will not be shaped by protests or empty rhetoric but by a deliberate and strategic effort to reclaim our country from the hands of those who have betrayed us for decades.

*Linda Tsungirirai Masarira is the president of Labour Economists and Afrikan Democrats (LEAD), and she writes here in her personal capacity.

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